Sunday, January 11, 2004


Yeap, Eric's my 1st new fren made this yr... just reached home after hanging out with him... the feeling was great... nope, nothing romantic happen... but yeah had a great time... hanging out under the stars... talking about life... i guess we got closer after tonight... nope, just as frens... we were quite frank with each other, sharing life experiences... barriers were broken down... i'm glad we can talk freely about our past...

background info: Eric is a 20 yr old guy serving his NS as a medic now... he's not very gd-looking or anything but got to know him on new yr's day and seems to hit off quite well with him... just realised he started chionging also only recently at around sept... i think we were in the same boat... chionging to forget some stuff...

quite surprised that he did make a good judgement of ppl... or maybe i was quite happy that he can see i'm those guai guai type even tho i chiong... oh well, i'm quite glad that we can sincerely talk to each other, no lies, no barriers... i don't care whether it's cos he just broke up with his gf of 3 and 1/2 yrs last sept, i dun care if it's boring (some were truly interesting!!)sec sch stuff, i think it's the idea that he is trusting u enough to tell it all that matters...

indeed i made a valuable fren... sounds like he's grown up from his breakup, or at least he says so... but i guess i'm quite glad he told me all abt it, altho it's quite painful for him to relive it all over again... nope, i din force him, but i guess, it really breaks down all barriers... and did i tell u he's a great pool player? and a great gentleman as well... any of u gals interested? i guess he'll make a gd bf... but not for me lah... i'm too old liao :(

somehow, i have a feeling, 2004 will be a great year from me... nothing will be worse than 2003... things will get better... i'm glad his 2004 got better... of cos, since we got to know each other!

oh well, life just seems to get so fulfilling when u have so many true friends to hang out with... to all my friends out there: Simply love u all!! thanx for being there for me when i'm angry, agitated, irritated, or just simply needs someone to listen... and i do not categorise him as one of the butterflies in my life... he feels so much like an old buddy! oh well, i think all the guys are becoming my buddies... issit a gd or bad thing? hmm... i'll take it as a gd thing for the time being 1st! :)

might be going canoing next week with him and his pals... meilin and mel can come along too!


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