Sunday, December 28, 2003

~Feathers are ruffled~

As usual, i've gotta complain!! things always do turn up the least expected... i dunno where to begin, i dun even know whether i shall write it down here... i am so confused now!!

actually i'm quite sure abt wat i want... yet i'm also quite sure i won't be able to get wat i want... oh, to explain it in economics terms, there always isn't "the double coincidence of want", u know... since there isn't "the double coincidence of wants", that's why "barter trade did not work in the past" and that's why we have "money" ooops, i know i'm digressing... i think only i will understand wat all the above means... i guess i'm not in the mood to write sane stuff down here. i guess the thing that is bothering me is driving me crazy. and sorry, i don't think the time is right to divulge it now, yet it's driving me crazy!! Argh!!

Seriously, i don't think i am attractive, i don't think i'm desirable, i think i have high expectations of myself as well as others... yet, something regarding this is driving me crazy!! i hate it when suddenly, something unexpected pops up, ruffled my feathers. yup, i'm actually quite disturbed... maybe huey knows wat i'm talking abt... Argh!! i dun even know how to start... ok ok, dun bother about me going on and on talking in circles... things will come to light soon, i hope.

for now, just gonna retreat into my own world... yup, not gonna face new things, dun tell me new news, pray i dun have to face it all? i know u all are confused now... i am too... ha ha...

ken is going away tml, 1 pm flight... Bon voyage!

my driving test is 1.55pm... wish me luck!


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