Friday, December 26, 2003

~Goodbye X'mas~

X'mas day came and went... just like that... initially was feeling so dreadful, dreaded the loneliness... yup, the nite b4 x'mas was a bit lonely, but i have my "Waterboys" to cheer me up... one of the favourite Japanese Movies i watched... i remembered the 1st time i watched in the cinema, i laughed till i cried... it's simply hilarious!! made me feel really much better...

went to my granny's place on x'mas morn... was making offerings to my grandpa... it was supposed to be his birthday... he would be turning 91 on x'mas... but then he never got to it... still think abt him sometimes, tears would well up... just like now... u know how u won't ever get to see him anymore? altho it's also been quite a long time since u talked to him when he's alive? i mean it's just the loss of ur dear ones that gets u down...

later went over to huey's for x'mas FEAST... read: feast! yup... ate a lot... felt so fat after that... Soba, Curry, Beef stew, Black-pepper Chicken, Honey-baked Chicken, ice-cream, Salad, Brownies, Blue-berry pie... and a whole lot more... felt so much like a pig... but yeah, everything was sooo fantastically delicious(cos i didn't do the cooking)... *yum yum* but felt super guilty afterwards... luckily i went swim this morning... else i'll put on more wt...

today i'm on the HIgh... hee~ cos i think i'm more stable at my driving now... hope to improve more, so that on Mon, i'll get to get my driving license!! *keeping fingers crossed* gonna push all stray tots aside and concentrate on my driving, yeah?

oh, Mon Ken will be flying back... before my driving test... well he'll only have to hear the (good, i hope) news from me after he returns... Hmmz... that means can't ask him for NYE countdown then... sighz... hope i'll have fun with only Mel then...


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