Sunday, December 21, 2003

~Infernal Affairs 3~

Was hanging around with Ken this whole day in town... had fun... was supposed to be my treat for the movies, but ended up he paid for it first and i din return him the money later, so it's his treat today! ha ha... was looking for a x'mas gift for gift exchange on tue nite, din manage to buy anything cos the town was SUPER crowded, dampened my mood to shop...

Infernal Affairs 3 was not bad, but kinda confusing... din understand a lot of parts! So, is leon lai a good guy or a baddie? i tot he was a gd guy, but ken said leon lai's the baddie in part 2... haiz, shd've bought and bia finish part 2 before watching Part 3 today eh?

Ken going back to LA for new yr's day... asked me wat i wanna get from US... wat do they haf there that we dun haf here in s'pore? ha ha... and he sounded quite excited abt going back... was telling me how much he missed his mum's cooking and looking forward to the turkey *yum yum* that awaits him at home (yeah, home was there, not here)... felt quite happy for him... he was joking abt how he'll nv come back when he returns, but dun think he'll be so stupid as to escape from ns. i mean he wld've done so by not coming back to S'pore AT ALL, isn't it? to think he spent more than 1 1/2 yrs serving ns already... ha ha... but i think he's nv gonna come back come Sept when he ORD... gonna miss him quite a bit... nah, just as a friend and nothing much... he's my dear old Kenny -- the one who was there when i was at my darkest period of time, the guy who makes me laugh at he's silly and cold jokes, the guy who heard me cry over the phone and showed concern... ah well but now even tho these are just memories, i'm glad they're nice ones... still building up memories of him, before he's gone and i lose another friend whom i can hang out (and exploit, ha ha~) with... of cos, i promised to visit him if i ever strike 4D... that is, if i ever get so lucky... which is highly unlikely...

Looking forward to the day when i do get to visit Disneyland in US... It's been my childhood dream, dun think i can fulfill it in the near future... i think if i were to die tml, that's gonna be one of my regrets...

it was raining all day today... the underpasses are super crowded... BORING... walking outside made me so wet, cos my umbrella too small to shelter both of us... ha ha... poor thing ken, i think he walked back in the rain after i got onto my bus... u can't possibly ask me to walk back in the rain instead? altho i felt quite bad abt it, cos he's still down with flu... i think i'm such a baddie, u know, he being sick, yet i dragged him around to shop... ha ha... nvm, it's just a once in awhile thing...


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