Friday, December 19, 2003

~Poor thing~

All the pple around me are falling sick... sighz... dear old Ken is sick... hope he's well enough to watch Infernal Affairs 3 with me tml... rite now, me gotta bia my Infernal Affairs 1... after i'm done with checking wat UE to take... so shd i take Jap (to prepare for my Japan trip, hopefully), German (so that i can ask HS for help?) or maybe just Japan History (HY 2232)? Argh!! i dun want too much time commitment for a simple S/U module, yet it's not enriching if i take a useless and ez module rite?

now with the SARS at bay, it's kinda scary if u fall ill with flu rite? no wonder everyone's rushing for the flu jab... but then i dun see the need for everyone to go take it wat... i mean, maybe the elderlies and small children need it, maybe even ppl who go someplace cold for a trip... but not EVERYONE? Kiasu S'poreans...

come to think of it, i haven't fallen ill for a long long time... hope i dun fall ill now... hee~ it's the holidays, must enjoy while i can. so to all my frens out there, do take care ok? i dun want all of u falling ill, leaving me hale and healthy leh... :P

and do hope ken recovers soon... ;) nice to hear his voice again, tho he sounds real sick.... poor dude...

p/s: someone just greeted me "yo... angel!" on icq... sickening, i'm super sensitive to this word loh... abit mad now...


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