Wednesday, December 17, 2003

~Sense of accomplishment~

Oh yeah! finally did something else other than hanging around my comp today...

went for a swim this morn with huey and peifang, saw ling at the pool, but she didn't tok to us... wat's up with ling nowadays? i really worry for her... is she feeling depressed? why? thinking of giving her a msg, but scared she'll find me irritating... ling, if u do come across here, i just wanna tell u i'll always be there for u, if u just gimme a holler!

and wat a sight today at the pool... seeing all the guys lying around, waiting to be turned into roasted pigs... huey was saying, later we'll smell nice roasted pig, and then she was commenting abt how i'll become "yun tun" if i swallow more water (which i didn't) haha... we're really hungry i guess... oh well, i must admit that some, and only some, of the guys look deliciously hunky...

later i went compass pt to return my library books... simply can't decide which books to borrow... as usual, this nerd here just wanna borrow all the books they have there... but then i won't haf time to read them, haiz... then i'm off to shop! didn't really think that there'll be so many things to shop for in compass pt, but i spent a lot leh... bought a skirt, after trying all the skirts they have in the shop for half and hr or more... blame it on the fickle-minded me... and the limited stock they haf in there, but the skirts they have are nice and affordable... me bought some pens, intending to write some of my cards i self-made (boy, am i satisfied with my artistic talent-- not much but that's the best i can do...) i bought a pair of cutey earrings too...

my past is coming back to haunt me... ha ha.. cos i promise i'll share my free movie tics with ken? then he come ask me when we watching movie, cos our plans last wk were cancelled... but then, i have already used up my free tics!! watching "love actually" loh... anyway, since i already promised, i must stick to it. so, me gonna treat ken to movies on sat... not "brother bear" this time *phew* "infernal affairs 3"? but i'm afraid i can't pick up wat the story's going on, cos me din catch 1 & 2... but recently, there's not much movies to watch leh... when's " the last samurai" coming up? looking forward to that show (dun tell me it's a war movie, and i dun watch, tom cruise is gd enough to entice me to watch it, hee~)

and, guess wat? mel and meilin's back in town... just in time for a girls' nite out tml... it's ladies nite!! goody, goody... *excited* looking forward to it! luckily i got down to doing the cards tonite, else i can't pass it to them tml...

AND dear old HS was online just now... haven't seen him online for quite some time, haven't seen him in person for AGES!! but well, but of cos, happiness is shortlived, cos he's gtg... anyway, nothing much to tok to him abt, cos i'm afraid i'll disturb him too much... X'mas is my deadline...


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