Saturday, November 29, 2003

~Smiles are passe, or are they not?~

i tot hs is just gonna last me till end of exams. u know, someone to occupy my thoughts during the horrible exam period, but well, he's still on my mind... u know how i wished so much to bump into him again today (actually yesterday)? knew he had a paper at the same time as me at 230 pm, but different venue apparently... but i just harboured the thought of being so fated with him to bump into him again, just like wed...

nope, i don't need to bump into him again to remember his smiles, it's still deeply etched on my mind... dunno, but i just wish to see him again... if u consider talking to him on icq means seeing him again, i guess i "saw" him again just now... but u know how it is, when it always seem like such a one-sided thing, when u get super crazy over someone, and seeing maybe just his name, or something that reminds me of him (the stickers stuck on my file that came with the chocolates he gave me?), makes me super excited... u know one crazy thing i did? i checked his sitting arrangement for the paper he took on wed (the same exam venue as mine) and today! i think i'm slowly gonna degenerate into a stalker soon if i dun hold my horses... but it's kinda hard, i'm not like invincible *remember Clay Aiken's Invincible?*...

as usual, must constantly drop hints that u're free if u wanna meet someone, but well, i didn't do that tonite... cos he struck first, by dropping hints (dunno whether that's hint) by saying he going back to do his FYP tml... so sad, have to do work tml? straight after exams? sighz, so wat if i say i'm free tml (altho i'm not), he's not free...

love- lorn? ha ha, another word to describe me... first it's "love-sick", then" love-lorn"... am i that horrible? ling, pls pull me out of this mess again!! oops, i think i depend too much on u liao, but i can't live without u!! oh well, but then i'm surviving well with these stupid crushes that go nowhere... can i attribute it to my horoscope sign? cos i'm the dreamy Pisces? or maybe just cos i can't get anythg realistic, so i resort to dreaming? u know how much in a daze i was today when it was the last 15 min for my paper? i finished early, yet dun feel like leaving early, so i started dazing away!! and i'll daze away when i'm on the bus, when i'm at home alone, when i'm bored, when it's late at nite and i can't fall asleep... i think sooner or later, i'll be living in my own dream world... bye, real world, i think dream world suits me better... ha ha... well, as always i need ppl to pull me out of this realm constantly, before i fall too deeply into it... and ling will always be my saviour!! always there to put perspective back to the real world, but it goes in a cycle, cos before long, i'll sink back to my own dream world again... that's wat frens are for rite? but i guess i take u too much for granted, sorry ling... but thanx ling, for always being there for me... miss ya lots...

Current status: Dreamworld invaded 80% of my mind... 20% fighting hard to remain in reality... it's hard... really hard, considering it's so late into the nite...


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