Thursday, November 27, 2003


I shall announce again, once and for all... i must let everyone know... cos it won't be fair if i told everyone else except for u all here rite? it's very important, pls hold ur breathe and pity me later when u all hear this, dun get a shock....

yeah, for those who've heard... guess how stupid can i get? i get to choose 2 qns out of 3 for one of my papers today... and i din know!!! so i did all and was wondering how cruel can the lecturer be? why can't i seem to finish my paper!!! argh!! kept flipping and convincing myself that there's only 4 more pages left when i'm like only left with half and hour... *panic panic* and stupid me din flip to the instruction page to see that it's actually 3 qns choose 2.... how stupid can i get? maybe my brain cells are damaged from the paper i suffered in the afternoon (the 3 choose 2 paper is in the evening)... oops, i can go on and on about it... but then there's something else on my mind that i must tell today...

oh well, for the more trivial stuff first, me went J8 with aud (aud's gonna teach me how to play the guitar) and aud's neigh (she's gonna be my cycling instructor for the holidays) for dinner, after the evening paper... while we were urgently running for the toilets, there was a herd of screaming teenagers running for Vaness Wu... wow, scary... i wonder wat will happen if we stood in their path -- most prob be stampled like crazy... come to think of it, i dun remember being all crazy over some idol... wat's the point? it's not as if i get to befriend them, touch them, feel them... so wat's the big deal? it's so unrealistic!! yeah, and u hear me saying that's unrealistic... later me gonna tell u somemore unrealistic things....

ok, so for the dreamy part of my blog for today... u know wat happened? who i saw, that keeps me smiling the whole way thru dinner and to home, altho i suffered from the sinking realisation of doing badly for my paper this evening?

It's him... hs, i tot i nv gonna see him again, but he just appeared in front of me after my paper, saw him outside the exam hall, when i was going on and on abt my stupidity... so yeah, i told him how stupid i was, just like those ppl i see when i came out of the exam hall... and yeah, i regretted not showing any concern for him instead... (so, aud, sorry for hanging up the phonecall just now, cos me got more important things to handle to...)

Now i know why i do like him a bit... his geeky smile just gets stuck in my mind... can't shake it off... he has the smile u just can't resist!! argh... i hate to gush over someone but i guess it just gets deeper... i know wat i look for in guys now, their smile! they dun have to be gd looking, but they must haf the 100 watt, make it 100 Megawatt, smile that will light up my life in the darkest days-- which is like forever... maybe i'm a gloomy person, so i need somone who can bring sunshine in my life? maybe cos i dunno how to smile properly? (that's why ppl always say me "dao" ?) someone shall teach me how to smile? but actually, i must admit that these few years, i get less "dao", but still not as desirable rite? not cheerful enough... when will sunlight come? when will the time come when my days never end? when the night fall is not as scary and lonely anymore?

i simply can't get his smile off my mind!! and his floppy hair (he should get a haircut soon, man, dun like him with long hair leh...), feel so much like touching it... ha ha... cos it's getting floppier... too long liao... but he's smile surpasses everything else... ahh... but then he left soon after... he's going home, didn't offer to gimme a ride (not on the way mah) , oops... but i dun mind not being with him cos -- felt a bit depressed that i'm seeing him on not one of my best days... sighz, acne problem, fatness accumulating... shall swim more in the holidays... did i tell u that i'm gonna get him to teach me roller blade? I'm gonna conquer ALL wheels this holidays... (hope so) driving, cycling, rollerblading...

shall concentrate on my fri paper... Remember: must read instruction, must not be complacent... ok, shall blog after my last paper... won't go anywhere after my last paper on fri... it's last episode of Holland V!!! ha ha... hope it's full force to burn off fats accumulated during the past month... shall regain 45 kg soon...

p/s: for additional readings, do read my chinese blog... ha ha...

p/s/s: still can't shake off his smile... dun think i can fall asleep tonight... sigh~


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