Sunday, November 09, 2003

just read the papers for today, realised that the body parts show is finally approved by the MDA. Yikes, it's so gross, if u happen to watch the news a few nites ago... all the gory, blood, body parts... "makes my blood curdle"

but then, i'm actually quite curious abt this exhibition. i mean it's so controversial, and it's the first time it's here in s'pore... anyway, is it stupid to pay $18 to subject urself to the kind of scare? a scaredy cat like me? i remember the time when i watched the ring 2 in the cinema, i was covering my face half the time.. ha ha... of cos, can't compare that to this exhibition, it's totally REAL for this show, u know, like no sudden popups from Ms Sadako, no scary sound effects... maybe i can take it better than scary movies... ha ha...

haiz, how? i've been thinking abt all these things other than my revision... yeah i think i have started on it, but chinese really sucks! i mean i have so many readings to do, and i think even if i finish all, i dun think i can churn out a gd enough piece for more final exams... the thought of staring at the qn paper and having nothing to write really puts me off... comtemplating whether to report in as sick so that i dun need to take the paper. at least i get to keep my B- grade for my essay, and then i get to pass the module!! ha ha... and i get 1 more day to study? hmm... maybe i shall do just that.

staring at my schedule for the next wk... tight, hope i get to achieve at least most of the things i wrote there... hmm, kinda tough, will manage with more late nites, yupz...


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