Sunday, October 26, 2003


recently, i think that compliments really make my day! ha ha... making me all big-headed now...

u know wat... my ex-crush added me on friendster!! and zoooom, in comes a testimonial from him... i reckon he must be super bored... but anyway, i dun care, just felt great that he remembers me :) and i then i'm off to typing his testimonial, i'm the 1st!! ha ha... so much for saying that i'm over him, apparently i'm not totally over him... but one thing is, i'm not interested in him in a romantic sense anymore... no longer fantasize abt how it wld've been to have him by my side... just felt priviledged if i got any contact from him... and i guess u all can sense my excitedness eh? just some of the perks to get my day going!

that's why i finished my revision for today, finished the chapter i planned to finish, hee~

nowadays, friendster really made me feel so great! 1st it's the reunion with my long lost pri sch frens... don't like the part where they say i still look the same as ever... still as geeky? then it's the realisation that ppl actually remembers u!! :)
nowadays, i think this is good enough to get me going, study a bit here, go online a bit, go give some tuition, cos nobody else is willing to hang out with me? that's wat u get for being super distracted... of cos blogging is actually a very impt part of my life... i'll grab my diary and a pen if inspiration comes along and i'm not online... then later type wat i have tot abt...


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