Sunday, October 12, 2003

~The sWatch Story~

it was around 3 years ago when i first set my eyes on this Swatch Watch... It's a skin watch, the strap is made up of silver chains which made it look v nice and classy... maybe it's not fantastic, maybe it's not absolutely luxurious, but i just liked it a lot...

i will always keep a look out for it whenever i pass by the Swatch counters in department stores or Swatch Shops. and u wld ask, why don't i just buy it? it's not extremely expensive, maybe just take a couple of month's savings and i'll have it in my possession. But i never got to buying it...

I believe in keeping the sense of mystery, of just enjoying looking at the watch through the display unit, the glass between me and my beloved watch... sometimes, just yearning for it is so satisfying... at least there is something to keep a look out for whenever i go shop?

wat if i possess the watch one day? will i still feel as great? i don't think so... i might wear it everyday, for the practicality of keeping time, but soon i'll forget the time when i keep yearning for it, the satisfaction i derive by simply staring at it through the glass, not touching it, not feeling the cool silver chains on my wrist... soon i might even lose interest in it, go on to admiring a new watch, desiring for the watch... am i really so fickle-minded? i don't know, cos i never got to possess the Swatch watch in the first place...

altho i still love it dearly, i do not hope to own it. maybe it's just satisfying enough to think about it, just like at this instant? maybe i'll lose sight of it when they totally stop producing it, and all's sold out... maybe that's how i feel nowadays, haven't been seeing it everytime i go shopping... initially, the sense of loss will overcome u, and u would regret not buying it cos it will not dampen ur savings by a lot., and u would go around searching for it... but now, i simply do not feel anything anymore... maybe right now, i've been searching for a new watch to replace my beloved watch in my heart, but i haven't found the right one... no watch seems to fit the bill... the feeling of emptiness is rather depressing, but i guess i'm ok with it... at least i won't need to keep a look out for it anymore?

so, what if i see my beloved watch again? will i buy it immediately? keep it in my possession? cherish it more than wat i think i'll do if i bought it before it was off the shelf? hmm... i guess the interest just sorta died down, although it'll be my beloved watch forever, i guess possessing it is not a gd way to satisfy my yearning for it... maybe the distance between me and the watch is optimal now...

well, well, u must be suspecting does this story hint anything abt wat i experienced today? nope, really nothing much has happened... just shopping around with mum... but this watch story just came to my mind so i thought of blogging... actually, this watch story came about when i saw that watch that one fateful day, and the story has developed to this stage, just like wat i've been experiencing with my one and only ex-crush... nothing ever happened, and nothing will ever happen... i'm proud to declare: "I'm finally over him!"


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