Saturday, September 27, 2003

~Sunshine is my Fantasy~

Deep in the night
Deep in thought
I'm sinking into the silence
I'm dreaming in my fantasy
Swimming through the clouds
In search of sunshine
Feeling its rays on me
Chasing away the dark blue night

Come play with me, dear sunshine
Forget about lighting up the world
Come along with me, into my world
Come light up my meadows and grass plains
Follow me through my dreams
Direct me through my memories
Life is but a fantasy,
If only you would follow me

Don't go, sunshine, don't go
Don't bring away the rainbow and laughter
Don't bring away the colour and fun
Stay and keep me company
I need you to embrace me forever
Dry my tears and keep me warm
I'm selfish, but please don't go
Don't leave me in my dark fantasy


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Dreaming in the clouds

Dreams are to be fulfilled, or are they to be dreamt again and again?

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