Friday, September 26, 2003

~The Demons have taken away my soul~

I've been complaining about how much i've changed, how undesirable i am... and today, i further assert that i am so unlike what i used to be...

Everyone down here at the Comp lab is doing there schwork, and here i am typing away on my blog, feeling ever so guilty, yet, not bothering to do anything about it... life have been too sucky nowadays for me to feel any passion in life, in sch work etc... i know that the effort i put in will never be proportional to wat i'll be getting... yeah, just like the previous sem's exams, i've been hanging out even during the exams period -- having breakfast with u-know-who, hanging around the town etc etc... nevertheless, the grades i got for last sem was the best ever? sighz... maybe i'm plain lucky? this sem sucks... all the modules i took seems so much like a mistake (took all the ec mod cos my fren's taking it), cos the econs modules require so much memorising!! --> i hate it, gimme calculus, matrices anytime, but not pages and pages of textbooks... to think i spent so much on the textbooks to give myself so much agony...

and i dunno wat's going on with me, to think i took a chinese modules, when all the notes i took during the lecture was half eng half chinese... ha ha... well, the damage shouldn't be too great, since i've already declared pass-fail for it... hope i just get a pass.. hee~

and my social life is going down to the drains.. with all the midterm tests coming (not that i spend a lot of time studying), i really hope to catch a movie one of these days... no, me haven't caught "Turn Left, Turn Right" yet... dun think i'll get a chance at it... other movies like "My Teacher, Mr Kim", "Infernal Affairs 2", The Italian Job", all of them seems rather interesting... well well, since i can't get anyone to watch with, i might as well save up the $ and study more? haiz, no leh, i'm not studying more even without going out... shall resolve to not switching on my comp this weekend... but dun think i can resist the cyberworld... haiz... someone pls help me...

i really envy those ppl who can really stay focused and study the whole day at home... like hs was saying how his week has passed with 2 tests and 1 assignment he handed in, and to think i have to stay at home the whole weekend? that's real scary! i wish he could drive me to ecp again, nvm the fact that i have no blades and dunno how to blade) but i just wish i could feel the sea breeze once more...

no such luck, stop fantasizing!!

Omigod, it's so late already, i should get going... else the traffic would be too scary to get home in time for my daily dose of Holland V...


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