Saturday, September 06, 2003
Now i'm listening to Sun Yanzi's song "Óö¼û " for the movie, "A Chance Of Sunshine", it's so meaningful, i simply love it! yeah, i know, here i am, being all so dreamy again...
Last night, i had fun... but din really like the music there...prefer dbl o's.. centro has a nice view to... could see the whole waterfront, ritz carlton hotel, etc...
Yeah, was glad i met HS before we went clubbing... found out that he don't club... which is good... ha ha... dragged him in tho, felt quite bad abt it... but well, just go in and take a look since it's free entry? do i appear too wild for him? hmm... i guess sooner or later, he'll stop going out with me cos i appear to be such a wild child? but i'm not, i'm so guai guai one... only thing is i go clubbing, but i guess that's abt it? well, life is short, we gotta enjoy it while we can isn't it?
Ha ha.. could remember wat meilin said abt him... could picture him just from hearing his voice over the phone... and wat she pictured is actually quite accurate? the "boyish" look? he looks younger than 24... and i seem to look older than 21... :( i feel like an older hag now that i'm past 21 and 1/2... haiz...
and there seems to be no news from ken, i'm slowly forgetting how he looks like... forgetting how he sounds like, forgetting that he did showed concern when i was at my lowest pt in life... but well, i guess anyone would show concern when u called and cried over the phone rite? he/she can't possibly leave u in the lurch? yeah, so it's not such a big deal that he was so caring last month?
there, i said, i won't need to spend $ on one more gift... i have this feeling that i don't get to get past the guy's birthday... like previously for leo, not that i'm planning to get a present or wat... and now ken, it's 4 days to his bday, and i think i'll nv hear from him again... no i'm not too sad abt it... but why can't we just be frens? or is there no friendship between guys and gals? issit when we can't be a couple, he'll dump u? it's so irritating even to think abt it? i have this bad feeling that i'll lose contact with HS soon too... cos i believe his birthday has not passed... it's not logical, but yet it's not possibly to be so much of a coincidence? maybe it's just my logic... ha ha...
well we'll see how it goes... will keep posted... ;)