Tuesday, August 19, 2003

~Long long day~

It's a long, long day for me... I'm still in school at this hour? no lah, not very late but unusual for me, i suppose...

Wondering whether i revealed this website to a lot of pple, at least i don't think i do... i hope not, i hope i did not reveal this to anyone in question on my blogs... *pray pray*

went out with ken on sun, after such a long time... he's becoming more and more charming, at least i think... i suppose he wasn't a very decent guy before... but now he's quite decent, that's wat i gathered, but my judgement might be wrong so i have to be careful and take things a step at a time... up to now, still finding it quite amazing that he still tries to keep in touch after going out on sun... that means he don't hate me? ha ha... found him cuter than ever... i think i'm starting to get attracted by him... ok, enough of swooning over the same guy again... think it's getting quite boring rite? if u keep reading about me swooning... yeap, at least u don't expect me to keep writing about how school sucks, how terrible my timetable is... how many tuitions they cancelled on me etc etc...

Really needed a workout badly... miss swimming, i really need to at least drop by the gym for a workout... can feel all the fats settling in... argh!!

gotta go... update more later...


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