Saturday, August 09, 2003


Yesterday was literally on sms chat with him for the whole day! continued on to today... oh well, but life is so boring without anything to do... or rather not wanting to do anything else other than chatting with him?

was glad that i lost 0.4 kg at the gym yesterday... now? i think i gained it back again, but was quite impressed with myself, i can actually lose 0.4kg in a day? ha ha... was quite proud of myself, managed to run for 1 hr! and the sauna was soo relaxing...tempted to signup, but no, i have to be firm... there are always cheaper alternatives to keep fit, like swimming eh? but swimming makes me look so tanned and i hate being called dark clouds :P

i'm not fat? but i dun think i'm thin either... and he was telling me how unfat i was, and he thought i was an S? ha ha... sorry, but i'm just an M... and then he was tempting me with Mac last nite... luckily i didn't eat anything else after my dinner last nite... *give myself a pat on my back* although i shouldn't even have eaten my dinner too...

It's National Day today... looking forward to the fireworks later tonight... really wished someone would go watch fireworks with me... but guess i'll be at home watching the NDP instead... haiz...


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