Sunday, July 13, 2003

~I HAte Popups!~

How do i seriously get rid of all the popup ads that're bothering me? IT's so IRRITATING! tried those free downloads to get rid of popup windows but seems usely on my computer! or i am just too useless?

Well, just came back from chalet.. .was fun, tho not VERY fun... really had fun for the BBQ, tho i'm quite guilty abt dragging the whole class there and it rained and they din get to eat bbq stuff... i'm just too selfish issit? just wanted to have fun on my own, not bothering abt my class ppl's feelings? And all along, i thought that my JC class has the first priority over everything else ( i mean my current CCA) Guess i was wrong, i reprioritised and now CCA comes before my class, sorry to say that... It's just that the class ppl just meet up once in awhile so we're not as close...

I just bladed yesterday! My first attempt! and it was fun :) first i tried with the ground all wet, so i was clinging on so hard to this guy friend of mine that "discriminatory" photos of us were taken... Oops... ha ha... but felt really safe with him by my side... no, don't misunderstand, i know it's not possible between us, i'm not his type, he's not my type... hee~ But later, when the ground is a bit drier, i can let go and blade! well, almost... not blading correctly, was more like walking...

it was drizzling intermittently yesterday, so bbq started quite late and ended late too... luckily i'm going back to my chalet instead of coming home, else i'll be coming home late again...

Looking forward to going on my 2nd clubbing trip on wed... if all goes well, we're going Zouk! finally... :P


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