Tuesday, June 24, 2003


I've been wondering the past few days, who actually reads my blogs? and can someone tell me whether they can read the things i've written in chinese? hmm... Nevermind, will try to translate it soon so that you all will get to read it, but since i've only just started blogging, please spare me from intricate designs, (un)interesting phrases, witty quips...

hmm.. thinking of adding a tagbox, thinking of adding more links... thinking of sharing my blogspot with friends, but do i really want them to see it? if they really do see it, would i dare bare all my feelings on this cyberspace ever again? hmm...

fine, just let it be... whoever comes across will read it, i won't go publicise it or anything... i'll still reveal my darkest feelings and deepest thoughts, SOON... Argh! still can't get past my mental hurdle... can't release my soul, not just yet...


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