Saturday, June 28, 2003

I'm reaching the full potential of a Pisces gal, yes i am. Now at this ripe age of 21, i finally can announce to the whole world that i am truly a PISCES!

I enjoy swimming, just mastered swimming... it's a really good way to keep fit, though i don't like to get dark... well, what should i choose? do i want to be tan and trim? or fair and fat? of cos the former!!

Super dreamy, always immersed in my own world of fantasy. Always ready for romance to bump into me... will wonder at the slightest signs, and believe a lot in horoscope...

just went Kinokuniya the other day, and flipped thru my favourite book on relationships, and found out that we're the worst in love... and i thought pisces and cancer, or pisces and taurus make a good couple? guess this horoscope thingie sometime really confuses me, nevertheless, this book on relationship really is much better than those horoscope websites...

Should i get myself a nicer name? Does Yoko sounds nice? It means Ocean Child...



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