Friday, July 25, 2003

~Social Nite (Again!)~

Yah right... who's SO LUCKY to go to social nite twice in her life? Argh.. i kinda dreaded it, u know... not again... "unforgettable experience", yah i know... well, the first guy was my crush whom i took a long long time to get over... this time round, i'm having doubts about going again... yah, the "not again" feeling of dread...

Yes, it's him... he just asked me to go as his date... next fri... i really should've said no, but i can't bear it if he said that if he can't get a date, he'll be banned from home for 3 wks... it sounded so pathetic that i have to "help" him out, isn't it? Oh well, wat will people think? that i'm throwing myself at a guy again? Omigod, and those gals going wld most prob be much younger than me? i'll be like an old hag there!! sighz... *regrets* hope that Sam would ask Mel so that i won't be so bored there... so much for the free goldfish.. ha ha.. i won't bother...

Well, well.. my life is certainly very happening now, not that i'm sure i'm gonna like it? Anyway, i'm seriously having doubts about this guy who's half a yr younger than me... i really minded that part... hmm...

*ponder ponder*


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