Thursday, August 07, 2003

~0 message from him~

since when did i become so calculative? he haven't msg me since tue evening... so what? if u wanna hear from him, do msg him, rite? of cos i shouldn't do that... at least, i mustn't be too irritating... nope, i'm going to switch off my hp soon... don't care about him...

i think our fate has run out already... though he "feels that everything is going on well between us" i think that means as friends eh? really feel like meeting up with him after so long... but he didn't initiate anything else, so i guess he have found someone else to talk to from his recent visit to the club? oh well, but i really think he's a decent guy despite his background... maybe i'm just wrong...

tomorrow i gotta miss cross training, cos my tuition is rescheduled :( disappointment... she always do this to me... haiz...

tomorrow's driving is nothing to look forward to too.. sure get scolded like crazy by my instructor...:( once again, i won't be concentrating well eh?

so, when is he calling?

tomorrow is national day's eve... sat is national day... it's gonna be so boring if i'm not going anywhere... :(


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