Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Sat, me didn't watch the NDP, was out with this cute guy i knew thru icq... yah i know, i mentioned that i won't ever go out with anyone i don't know... but this guy is credible, cos he's studying in nus still... he's quite gd looking in person, doesn't really look nice in his photos tho... Yup, was feeling quite bored on the sat nite... so agreed to go out and see the photos he tooked on his trip to Europe... Fascinating! all the places i never dreamt of going... he's been to it all! i was quite impressed, and he didn't seem like someone who has spent 10 mths overseas tho... it's nice talking to him i guess... no fireworks, sad to say, considering he's quite cute and local, older than me etc... ha ha...

then when i reached home, ken msg me to ask me whether i'm interested to go to this club that his cousin is DJing at, but well, since i'm nice and comfy at home, i rejected him... Nvm, there'll be other times... :)

Sun, was out for dinner with the grp... yup, the guy who lives just across the rd turned up too... and i guess i really shd applaude myself for acting quite cool abt it, in the "heck care" manner... yup, he did talk to me on our way home... he initiated the conversation... as usual in his "attitude " tone... he who thinks he's all-so-mighty... he's just trying to save his face by trying to tell me there'll not be any hard feelings against him... nope, no hard feelings against him, but i still hated his guts! he thinks he's so great? Mr casanova? he's not even comparable to Ken! yah, but i guessed i acted too friendly after awhile, asking him whether he've been clubbing recently and me trying to show off that i've been clubbing too, but i guessed he's not impressed... well, wait till i see him around with ken... see, who's the one who shd have hard feelings against who!

yah, so i was quite affected by the sight of him... yup, me called ken on sun night to talk... then realised that he was hanging around the same place as we did for dinner! shd've asked him where he went so that i could've met him, so that i don't need to go home with Mr "almighty"... maybe i could even show off Ken to Mr "almighty"! hmph... :(

dear ken was talking abt how he got knocked out on sat night, how much he spent on the drinks with his cousins... omigod! it's so shockingly, freakingly expensive! guess he must be real rich... went to shangri-la for lunch leh!! and there i was, eating porridge at home? ha ha...

not that i wanna pig out at some luxurious hotel, but i think that's too extravagant, think we're from two different world... yup, he's like further to me than it seems once i know more of him... the more i think about our differences, the more i think i shd not bear any romantic thoughts about him...

been testing the waters last nite with him thru sms... trying to see whether i can get him say something like "even if u're fat, i'll still want u..." ha ha... but then it's kinda difficult to get him to catch the bait... hmm... try harder... :P yup, failed at getting a fish on line last nite... next time then...

sch's started... i'm starting to feel the stress... mid term dates, essays to hand in during mid term, readings, buying of text... argh!! and still haven't handed over for my eca which means i'll still be bothered by my eca stuffs... when will my agony end? (tho it's just like the start) :P


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