Friday, August 29, 2003

~Low, low, low~

Haven't been swimming for such a long time... i can feel the bulge in my tummy, the flabbiness of my arms, my cheeks are becoming puffier, my pants becoming tighter... yeap, and i feel so dead after so many late nites, so many tuitions... think it must be that i'm not in a good shape recently... haiz... hope things will get better next week, when i'm officially out of my eca, and the sec 4 kid finish his prelims...

dieting don't work for me... or rather, starvation... been too busy to eat lunch these few days. so i tend to eat a lot for dinner after that... which is not gd... always go to bed feeling all so bloated or sometimes have to stay up late to wait for the food to digest before i go to bed...

seriously, i wonder why i think so much about things that are not even possible? c'mon, i should face it, we've too much differences, too few things in common. that's why i haven't msg him since tue night. yeah, partly cos i'm busy, partly cos i really have a low level of self confidence nowadays... i'm not pretty, i'm not slim, i'm can be quite irritating sometimes, and i think too much about the same thing over and over again... guess this is wat u all shld've gathered from all my blogs...

yeah, all the novelty of knowing him is starting to rub off. things don't seem to be going anywhere... and i don't feel like dating with so much homeworks, readings piling up... just submit to a life full of academic stuff... or rather, NO LIFE!! sighz...


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