Saturday, August 23, 2003

~road to nowhere~

just came back from ecp... it's the 1st time being driven around and i feel so priviledged... no it's not some big car or wat, but the feeling is equally great.. hee~ yup, he was blading for awhile, didn't know that he can actually blade so well, quite impressed by the way he knows so much...

come to think of it, nothing will come out even if i'm going out with any of the guys that i've mentioned... i'm just not attractive... ppl just treats me as a friend, i can feel it... things are not gonna turn romantic, no matter who the guy is, i just have the feeling, cos we're steering clear of talking about things like that...

don't wanna do a character analysis down here, will seem like i'm a materialistic gal once i talk about these guys... my ideas are all bent, bias in some sense, can't figure out where, don't know how to deal... we'll see how it goes...

disappointment... planned on going for a swim tommorrow morning in my new swim suit but darn, my rosy posy struck! :( will have to wait till next wk then... wait for all the fats to settle in... haiz...


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