Sunday, September 21, 2003

~back to basics~

this is the second time i'm typing this... that's wat happens when u get a lousy laptop cos i'm a lousy owner... ha ha...

yup, me did go club yesterday... initially me called bc to ask whether he interested but he said he couldn't make it so i was rather disappointed... me didn't feel like going actually, but since mel needed company, and sam wouldn't go if ken not going, so i had to go persuade ken to go? ok lah, was quite surprised he agreed considering he had to book in early this morning?

it was super crowded last nite... too squeezy to enjoy dancing... i think me drank a bit more than usual, was still feeling high on my way home, ken kept asking me whether i was alrite? yeah, i think i'm still sober.. ha ha... no, i'm not seeing double now... ha

i'm swearing off clubs till after exams... i guess i haven't really been myself, with all the clubbing trips that i went... it's just so unlike me...

searching for the artistic streak in myself, wat i once possessed... i simply loved arts lessons when i was in primary school... all the drawings i've done... if u pay a visit to my primary sch, i think they still have a couple of my framed up crayon drawings around, hee~ but i dun think a lot of ppl even remembered, but i'll always remember my proudest moment... i remembered my best fren and i got into the top 3 prizes for the arts competition since pri 4...

and i remember the days when i drew clothing designs in my diary, and designed new clothes for my barbie dolls using my mums scrap cloths... that was such a long time ago! guess i stopped doing that once i advanced to secondary sch? cos i'm always demoralised by the grades i got for arts! and i thought i did alrite leh... i think i did envision myself to be a watch designer at that pt in time tho? but now, i think i lost my magic fingers...

my point is?

ling, i'll try my best to make the designs for ur characters work... i'll try to find wat i lost back then, hopefully i can regain the touch, and do more great things in life with my "magic fingers"?

p/s: ling, i didn't receive ur weblog address, can u send me again?


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