Saturday, September 13, 2003


Twists and turns and twists and turns... Been through lots of events this wk i guess... but was quite happy to get an answer for wat i've always been searching for... i know i no longer have a crush on bc, and we can always be friends! he said he wanted to sit in our lectures cos he's that bored? ha ha... yeah, so i brought him around the campus for awhile... he's cuter than before, but yes, i've no more feelings for him...

then met ken, mel and sam for dinner at city hall, i was so tired i didn't talk much... suddenly i'm losing interest in him, all the novelty has rubbed off? or issit cos i know it's impossible for me to be with someone like him? he seems like a flitting image... i dunno how much of him is true.. and i dun ask much too... yeah, i think i'm seeing some truth in my feelings now... any guy who hears a gal cry would definitely not leave u in lurch, so why shld i be touched with sthg that any other guy can do?

ok i swear never to go on and on about these things, cos it's actually getting me nowhere... shld start on my assignment which is due next fri... but i have no time to stay behind in sch to do work!! :( *desperate for time liao*


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