Wednesday, September 10, 2003

~NO Time~

Yeah, i've been blogging too much, spending too much time on the internet than desirable... i should really get on to my work, but i can't... realised that i can most effectively do work after 10 pm and before 1am... which means that each day, i can only apend at most 3 hrs doing my work? which is not good... considering the fact that somedays i'm so tired that i sleep early?

but, i've been trying to get some websites where i can get materials for the assignment i need to hand in and yet have no idea wat to do... but i hate the searching process... the abundant world of information, trying to sieve thru wat's relevant and wat's not... i shall be more patient...

sat will be meeting my jc class for lunch... kinda look forward to it... considering BC's back in s'pore for holidays... no, i'm totally over him, really... :) sat night, will be attending my fren's b'day party... yeah, another 21st b'day celebration... oh well, it's becoming so common i can't seem to feel any enthusiasm for b'day celebrations? and considering the fact that i'm not 21 but 21 and 1/2 yrs old at this time, and ppl are still going INTO 21 only now? the feeling is not so good eh? i'm old.. ha ha... just kidding... as long as deep down, in my heart, i feel young, that's good enough rite? but then, i do not feel young... i feel so mature, i think my mentality is older than 21 (and 1/2 yrs)...

i've been thru quite a lot, yet, i know that some things are wat i haven't really experienced and would like to experience before i die... i am pessimistic abt life... i think i'm not gonna live long, dunno why, but the feeling really scares me... wat if ... oh well, dun wanna think abt it actually... but the possibility really scares me... maybe it's just the weather... it's rainy and gloomy... maybe that's why i'm gloomy too... and after a long day... well, i can't keep feeling this way... but i am...


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