Friday, September 26, 2003

~Spur of moment~

Oops.. i'm still not asleep... maybe i'm just too excited about my new template... hee~

well, i wrote this last nite...

No Entry

I'm amazed by how easily i can dilute my feelings
No longer do i yearn for love
No longer do i yearn for him
I've convinced myself that anyone could be just as caring
I'm convinced that we have nothing more to share
I've realised that we've drifted apart
And now we're so far apart
Just like he's in the States and i'm in S'pore
Even SMSes seem so boring
Even a call seems so much like a hassle
No, i don't have anyone else on my mind
Yes, nobody is on my mind
I'm closing my heart to myself
Nobody can come in now
Try knocking, banging, by brute force,
No, the door to my heart will no open
I give up
I'll never let loose my feelings
I'll never gonna feel vulnerable anymore
I'm never gonna cry

So will u still love me tomorrow?


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