Thursday, September 25, 2003

~Gloomy, gloomy day~

Had a real lousy day today... It didn't start out well for me...

today i had to present my assignment topic in class at 10 am... so i left home 15 min earlier, hoping to reach sch earlier than usual... the horribly wet weather... and bus 74 broke down before it reached my stop... made me waited a whole 25 min for the crowded bus!! well, u may say that i'm patient? well, i guess i really am too patient... should've taken another bus to change to my 151 right? i guess i'm just stupid? haiz...luckily i did get onto the bus... phew... or issit really gonna cause my downfall today?

*just a thought*

Is life like that?
even though u know that ur bus is late, u don't wanna take other longer routes cos u know u'll still be late?
u just want to blame the bus that always brings u to sch on time just because it made u late for just today?
wat if the bus eventually comes along, and it's so full that u can't even board? do u mind standing on the doorsteps and risk getting squashed?
or do u think u'll settle for the next one since u're already late?
or issit worth it just to flag a cab and travel in style to sch, without getting all flustered?
so wat did i do today?
wat kinda person am i?
issit gd to be too patient at times?
nah, i really think i'll miss the gd things in life by being too patient, which is how i think i fared today...

in the end, i reached KAP at 9.45 am on the 74 , will definitely be late if i don't do something... yeah, i was actually intending to flag for a cab at 930am already, but thought i might not be any difference and i need to pay more, cos of the jam on bt timah? so in the end i only managed to get a cab at 950am at KAP... reached class 10 min late... i wasn't the latest, but the feeling of them starting without me was so saddening... and then, the tutor didn't even to bother to ask whether the person who did this week's qn was here... yeah, so i was like answering a bit too much in class, but was really stunned at some of the qns she posed... ok, ok, so i guessed the essays i was trying to perfect last wk ended up out of pt? or rather, lack of the pts she wants? argh!!

indeed, getting a B for the assignment was the not too unexpected? but i was absolutely disappointed! shouldn't have gotten that kinda grade considering the amt of effort put in, but i guess i really didn't give her wat she wants... she should've written a wish list, so i know wat to include and wat not? stupid system, and i thought essays are supposed to be subjective? wat i feel is important will be included? seems like it's not the case? extremely demoralised by this... plus the fact that i haven't been doing anything for my chinese assignment? die liaoz!! gonna get bad grades for my modules this sem? and midterms are coming.. next mon, i'm having 2 tests... wish me luck...

i dunno wat have gotten into me, but suddenly i just want back the archives i left out in the previous blog... so i decided, maybe it's time for me to change the template for the blogs too? so i searched high and low and settled for this template... yeah, i know, it has "LOVESICK" slapped all over it right? rest assure, i'm healing... i'm more or less ok with being unattached, unattractive... wat's the big deal anyway? but i really liked the picture and the colour... gonna make a few adjustments once i find the time...


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