Wednesday, October 01, 2003

~HaPpY ChIlDrEn'S DaY!~

Yeap, I was feeling quite ecstatic since last nite... nope, not cos of Children's day, no Holidays, nothing to be happy about... but I was quite happy for my student... she got B for her Maths C prelims! And she was quite excited and happy abt it... me too ;) tho I think with her ability, she could've easily gotten an A for it... Nvm, I'm sure she'll be able to make it for her A's in Nov... nevertheless, I have doubts abt her younger bro who's taking his O's... I really doubt my ability sometimes... can u imagine sec 4 A maths has got relative velocity, and all the qns that I did, I could not get the answer!! Argh, I think I'm not that lousy, but I just couldn’t seem to work it out!! Sigh~ just admit it, I'm lousy...

Anyway, I think my overwhelmed confidence is taking it's toll on me... no, I dun think I'm scoring too badly, but it's retribution comes in another form… yup, my complexion is getting from bad to worse... dunno whether it's the new facial care products, I'm using... I'm dumping it... made me feel all that sucky these few wks... yup, now, I've got totally no confidence to stare at ppl in their face when I talk to them, and I seem to be covering my face with my better asset—hair... though I think it's getting wavy by the day...*sob sob*

nowadays, i hate looking into the mirror... i don't like the person i see on the mirror... i can't stand my reflection... i know, it's the exact opposite of ling rite? who likes the person on mirror more than anything else? haiz... soemtimes, i just dunno where to look, cos everywhere, there's mirrors or glass panes that'll make me look ugly, fat, horrible... yup i know, i'm exaggerating a bit, but i just don't really feel happy to see myself?

Been thinking about taking up a new hobby, something, rollerblading or scuba diving...quite cool eh? Hmm, but I've got no connections, and no one to go with me...anyone game? Yup, but maybe in the I simply can't afford the time to even go for a swim...*flabs setting in, no more low waist pants*

And the essay that I've been complaining about...I think I'm done for now...hee~~ tho I wrote 3300 words only (cos the lecturer wants less than 5000 words), It's not too far from it rite? Phew...

and i really miss shopping so much... just thought i needed some retail therapy and reward after sticking around at home the whole last wkend... but then dun feel like facing the world with this face of mine... yucks...


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