Monday, September 29, 2003

~Volcanic eruptions~

2 midterms down, 2 more to go... Plus my essay, my chinese essay... i'm only 20% done... and my tutorials for this wk? hmm...

was feeling a little under the weather cos my complexion sucks!! i dunno wat's up with my skin? i mean it's not the time of the month, it's not as if i ate a lot of heaty stuff... but yucks, i can't stop it from coming out even if i put on loads of pimple cream... luckily my day is not really bad, cos it's bright and shining out there, hee~ i always link my mood to the weather if u realise...

today me caught a glimpse of leo, didn't realise it was him till i think back... well, didn't really matter to me today, wasn't in the mood to mope over things today.. i'm rather relieved today... plus me got an informant who told me he did drop by earlier in the day, think he's hanging around in sch today, that's why i saw him again in the afternoon... anyway, wat's he doing around nus?!! he shd be hanging around in smu, i suppose he's not that popular there? not that he's famous here? infamous maybe...

hey, why am i spending time even typing abt it? crazy...

was reading Life! this morning (u must be wondering, why am i reading life when i shd be reading my notes for my midterms?), and saw this interesting article (for the full article, click here)by Karl Ho, he was commenting on how ppl view love today...

"... if you're going to be a slow coach on the highway of love, be prepared to eat exhaust while the object of your affection vanishes into the horizon with the speed demon.

And we are prepared to tell 'unwelcome' passengers to take a hike. Indeed, some guy friends have set a time frame of three weeks to even one night to gauge if the girl is worth belting up alongside."

yeah, so i understand how it is that if u first know a guy, give him at most 3 wks... if nothing happens, then nothing is gonna happen and most likely, u'll just remain as friends...

"Then, there's the window of opportunity.

When boy meets girl and both display a liking for each other, what follows is an exciting time most suitable for romance to bloom.

That's usually the period after the initial meeting, when you don't know too much about the person but you like him or her enough to want to know more.

But it's important to strike during this window. Because when the mystery and magic lift and both settle down to being friends, all is lost."

so, indeed, a lot of pple identify with this theory, not only me...

well, enough said, i realise i keep harping on this kind of issues in my blogs... will talk abt other stuff when these issues do not pop into my mind so often when i switch on my comp... ha ha...

to those interested to know wat's going on in my life, sorry to say that it's been BORING... yeah, mugged at home the whole weekend (partly cos my complexion sucks, didn't feel like going to sch either, but can't cos of my tests today). and i've always been complaining abt how many days ken haven't msged? i've lost count! nah, i just don't bother... but hey, he's still a gd fren to go club with... ;)

been trying to paste nice pictures to my blogs, but can't seem to do it... well, sorry, but u all have to bear with the wordy blogs i'll be having... don't worry, once in while, when i see interesting sites, i'll create a hyperlink for u all to visit... *wink wink* to those die-hard fans of "The Matrix" (i doubt any of u who read my blogs are crazy abt the matrix, but anyway...), they've released the trailer for the Matrix Revolutions, out on Nov 5th 2003... Click here

well, well, shall continue typing my essay...


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