Saturday, October 11, 2003

~i LIKE studying~

so nobody is free for me? am i so pathetic? my ren2 yuan2 so lousy? no lah, maybe a BIT lousy... only a bit? msg almost everyone on my phone bk(selectively- left otu some of the not so close frens, or the definitely v busy ones, and ken,din ask him, hmm maybe i shall not see him again, it's for my own gd...), and all gimme similar reply... ha ha... everyone else is busy with their own life... busy with assignments, tests, projects, quizzes...

and me? been so relieved that it's all over and now only waiting for the final exams... yeah, getting all yaya over it rite? i know, i'll get my retribution real soon i guess...? maybe i shall stay at home tml, start mugging for the finals... since life is so boring... yeah, u must think i'm crazy to study when i'm bored... but wat to do? maybe i'll go swim tml, and shop ALONE, maybe not? well, we'll see... i really miss the feeling of bringing home bags and bags of things that i bought, but well, shall save up for my future, so won't spend too much... oh well, maybe i just won't go out tml... it's a long time since i played with my hamsters... maybe i'll do just that tml?

u know, i was quite shocked to see one of my hamsters with something like a cut above his right eye... guess they must be fighting alot, and then yesterday, i saw that "injured" hamster-- fei fei (cos he fatter)-- with a swollen right eye again? cos his right eye can hardly open? omigod, really gotta separate the two, but i can't bear it... i mean, they're gonna be soo lonely... so wat shld i do? and i've been a really neglilant owner, but wat can i do? maybe that's me, i'm always the one who likes new things, neglect old things, dun care anymore abt ancient things... always the case, this is not gd...

maybe i shall zzz now... blog again when i have constructive and meaningful things to say, sorry to bother with my ramblings and complaints nowadays... :(


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