Tuesday, October 14, 2003

~one, two, none~

i never thought that shopping alone can be a different kind of fun too... no, i've been shopping alone before, but today i really paid attention to the different kind of feeling... it's like, u don't need to worry about ppl waiting for u when u try on clothes, ponder over whether to buy or not... but well, one bad thing is that u won't get a 2nd opinion...

maybe next time i can try watching a movie alone? i hate to wallow in depression, complain about nobody being able to accompany me to watch a movie... why don't i just get my butt out of the house and to the cinema just to catch a good movie? don't care abt wat others might say... maybe that's the day when u finally see the independent woman in me -- right now, sad to say, shopping alone is the furthest i can go... i've i happen to succeed in watching a movie alone, i'll celebrate it by going travelling alone...

and maybe u would feel that it's not such a big deal to do things alone, and if i really mind so much, why not just stay at home? true, but how long can u stay cooped up at home? anyway, i have done other things alone, like swimming, sometimes going to the gym, so it's not such a big deal anyway...

and why do i keep having all these gray thoughts in my head? and why do i keep harping over my social life? maybe cos i dun usually talk about them to a lot of ppl, maybe this is an outlet for me to vent all my frustration... sorry, dear friends, always have to hear my complains, ramblings... it's rather unhealthy for both u and i rite? i'm really sorry...

yup, maybe u shld pick up a new hobby, not that i do not have hobbies, but maybe i'm not busy enough to be fully occupied, so that's why i keep thinking about other things, but on the other hand, i shd be doing my readings!! ha ha... yeah i admit, i just do not wish to touch my notes... Argh!!

i have a sudden passion for learning scuba diving... to see the underwaterworld, to see all the colourful corals the beautiful fishes... but maybe i'm just getting a bit too ahead of myself, since i just learnt how to swim... maybe i shd just perfect on my freestyle, and learn my frogstyle...

tml i'm gonna skip my maths tutorial... it's gonna be the one and only tut i'm skipping this semester, i hope... :) so tml is a self-declared free day!! i miss having weekdays as free days...


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