Saturday, October 25, 2003


a lot of things in this world, once done are irreversible...

- if someone lies to u once, u'll never believe in him anymore, sometimes even hate him...
- if someone makes u lose ur trust in him, u'll never trust him anymore...

this year, i think i experienced a lot of things that are irreversible...
- my grandpa's death... i guess he's really someone whom i'll miss, tho i haven't been talking much to him these recent years, but he's the one who pampers me the most when i was small...
- the two piercings on my each of my ear lobes, i was so excited abt getting them just before my 21st bday, cos it would remind me of how i've achieved a new pain threshold. prior to this, i went thru an agonising time in the hospital, don't worry, nothing serious, but equally painful... but now, somehow, it reminded me of how i made a fool of myself when i made the wrong judgement -- leo
- my hatred towards leo. name is self-explanatory...
- me passing the 21 yr old hurdle -- approaching 22 liao :(
- i'm hooked onto clubbing... no lah, not very enthu abt it, but realised it can be quite fun, less the smoke...
- i'm on my way to a driving licence, and there's no stopping me, cos i've already sunk so much $$ in it, i can't give up now...
- i think i lost my LIFE, u know, not being in my cca anymore, makes life more boring than usual...
- last but not least, my mole on my lip... yuck i hate it! i suspect i'm down with cancer of some sort, cos u know they always say that when u have a mole on some real weird spot, it's likely to be something wrong with ur body... so, i'm gonna cherish my time... i sound pessimistic? oopss...
- my tan... hmm, dun think i'll achieve the fairness before... tho i haven't been swimming for quite sometime...

irreversible changes? do u think there'll be miracles? do u think i can make changes?
where's my fairy godmother? haha... i must be dreaming again, i just have to live with all these changes, try to get the best out of it...

u know, those ppl who knows my blog, it's irreversible, i can't retract the webpage from u all, brainwash u all so that u all forget the webpage... i know, i can start all over again on a new webpage and not let u all know, but hey, then i'll have to start all over again... hee... just a thought, dun worry, i dun mind u all reading my blogs...


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