Sunday, November 02, 2003

~Doggie for sale~

How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the waggerly tail.
How much is that doggie in the window?
I do hope that doggie's for sale.

Today, i heard this nursery song on the radio...
suddenly realised how old i've become... it's such a great song, one of my favourites when i was younger... i've always wanted to own a puppy, cuddle with my puppy when i'm feeling down, take walks with my puppy, just the two of us... ppl always say that dogs are the most loyal pets... i totally agree, i just wished humans can be as understanding as doggies, just stay quiet while i hug it to cry... well, no such luck, at least i dun think i can commit to taking care of a puppy yet... since i'm such a bad hamsters' owner... u shd see their pathetic state now, cos i dun wanna separate them altho they fight a lot, then my feifei got injured the other day? (feifei so lousy, only know how to eat and sleep dunno how to defend for itself!) and i only give them all attn at one go on sunday, when it's their cleanup time? i'm such a lousy owner!

maybe i need someone to take care of me, more than i take care of my dream puppy? well, maybe, and i'm still waiting... so maybe i'm just that doggie in the window, waiting to be bought, waiting for the right owner to take care of me?


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