Wednesday, October 29, 2003

~pacing up and down~

should i? shouldn't i? should i? shouldn't i? SO should i go for jane's party? i think not... but i really wanna get out this wkend! it's getting so stifling at home, i can't study without rewarding myself a bit... but me not too close with jane lah... so dun think i'm gonna be there, be equally bored down at her house... so how? so how? wat shld i do this sat?

kill me for my shallowness, kill me for being so wild nowadays... i hate to think that i'm always thinking of hanging out, when i shld be studying, u know. luckily, noone else jio me go out, else i'll be really wild... now i only feel wild in my heart and soul... no amount of poetry can sooth me down, no amount of classical music can appease my hunger for attention... no one can save me... if i don't want to be saved, isn't it? shld be doing my tutorial for tml morning, but yet, wat am i doing now?

i wish i was a cactus
i wished i only needed the sun to brighten up my day...
how i wished i needed nothing else but the sun...
but no, i needed ur care and concern,
i needed the bright lights as well as the soft music,
but yet, i have all the spikes and flesh...
nobody dares come close...
so i'm indeed the ugly cactus, which seems to need noone...
yet, deep down, i have the heart of a tulip, which needed careful attention
i have the warmth of a sunflower, but u have to be close enough to feel it.
yet nobody comes close enough


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