Tuesday, October 28, 2003

~Guilt, i'm not feeling it...~

I feel so guilty... been making use of ppl nowadays... just like yesterday me took a "stranger's" car back home, luckily he didn't bring me to "sell" ha ha... no, lah, dun think it matters since my fren is also sharing the ride... he'll have to "sell" the both of us!!

ok, so maybe i give a profile of this guy i just knew... he's yr 2 engine guy, whom i got to know when he bought my ec tb... then he asked me whether he can keep my no, and i can't possibly say no rite? so, anyway, i tot it'll end with the closing of the deal, but apparently he asked me whether i got the ec notes as well, so i thought he needed the notes, so i went thru my garbage and finally found the notes, thinking i could maybe get a few bucks more out of it... but then he msg me, saying that actually he dun need the notes, just wanna see me again... *such a joker* anyway, i'm not too interested, but since he drives, so i suggested maybe i can get a ride from him sometime, which is yesterday... ha ha, at least i get home in time to watch half an hr of Holland V!! *evil* i'm really rather evil hor? cos me not interested in him still lead him on, anyway, he drives horribly reckless i feel... dun really dare take his car anymore...

so yeah, i guess exam periods make me feel super lonely, and i always do something reckless during exam periods... remembered last sem i was out sometimes to have breakfast with somebody at s'goon gardens, and went bishan for jap food after i registered for my PDL... then the previous sem was still stupidly crazy over my crush and got into somemisunderstanding with my real close friend... let's see wat i'd do this sem?

Jane's throwing a Halloween Party on 1st Nov at her hse, dunno whether i shall go, but dunno who'll turn up, apparently the NTU ppl are having their exams so they, can't make it, which narrows down to only the few NUS ppl from our class, but then it's during the exams period, i think not many would turn up too i guess... i'll see if i feel like it, but then i think she wants us to dress up in costumes, so that really puts me off, maybe i won't go after all...


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