Monday, November 10, 2003

You are Envy!
Wow... what a dreamer. Always wanting what you
can't have, and always dreaming of having more
then you do. It's not the worst sin, and we're
all guilty of it - but you take it to the
extreme! You are prone to depression, often
from things you can't obtain. Be a bit more
positive, you have a lot that others want too -
so don't sit there being all green! On the
positive side, you tend to be a smart person -
and can often achieve the goals you set
Congratulations on being the overall harmless, and
pretty normal one of the 7 deadly sins :)

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, well, u can see that i'm getting bored, with nothing to write, yet can go on and on doing quizzes on quizilla... am gonna kill my grades at this rate...


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Dreaming in the clouds

Dreams are to be fulfilled, or are they to be dreamt again and again?

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