Sunday, November 30, 2003

~Shopping Afterthoughts, or issit Shocking?~

Suddenly, I feel that the exams being over is not such a big deal anymo... suddenly, I feel empty in a different way once again... previously, I feel empty cos my social life is so empty, being all cooped up at home, like a caged bird, missing the feeling of walking down orchard rd... now, I still feel empty cos I have nothing to occupy myself with? Shopping is not a long term solution... and makes me more empty than I thought... shopping was for that momentary joy, u know, when u go around every shop, flipping thru every piece of clothing they have, trying on every possible nice ones... then once in a while, submitting to the craving for that really irresistible piece by buying it... and you would feel that I'm such a difficult person to please... complaining this and that... maybe I am... for me, happiness is always short-lived, and I always blog my sadness more often than happiness... sorry dear friends... maybe I shall talk about my shopping trip yesterday? To relive the moments of enjoyment?

Started out with meeting huey at TPY in the afternoon... TPY was as usual, super crowded... went thru all the shops, flipping thru the clothes, looking for the perfect pants for huey... well, didn't find anything nice... and I thought I could always buy something in TPY, maybe it's an exception this time? Well, I spent money tho, buying the bus concession for Dec sets me back by $52... sigh, the cost of transport in S'pore is definitely going up, Up and UP...

Later we found a bus to take to Little India to do eyebrow threading... walking around Little India feels so out-of-Singapore! U know, with all the colourful flowers they tie up to form a chain (wat's that called? Suddenly forgot its actual name) ... and the shops there are bustling with activity, ppl picking veggies and spices, Tamil magazines cassettes and VCDs, the cramped five-foot way, the man by the pavement selling phonecards...everything is so colourful and feels so out of S'pore... it's really a different kind of feeling...

finally, we found the sophisticated beauty parlour that nit brought me to the other time... believe me, it's really nice with the wooden paneled floorboards, trickling mini fountain at the door... it feels nice and cosy, doesn't really make us feel out of place in Little India... so we went in and got our eyebrows done in a jiffy... feels so gd with nice brows, no longer bushy, messy and ugly :)and best of all, it's cheap! $5 only... and the result is comparable to Hollywood Secrets' eyebrow plucking services for $12!

When we left the place to walk to Bugis, the sky was overcast... a heavy rain seems imminent, but nothing can dampen our spirits to shop! Just realized that s'pore is in fact such a small place, and we can actually walk from one place ( Little India) to another (Bugis) within 15 min? on our way there, we encountered this Japanese tourist, having difficulty finding his way to Bugis MRT... and hey, he's in luck, cos we're heading that way too... but he didn't follow us the whole way, cos I think he felt quite odd to be following behind 2 gals, who don't seem to care too much about him... ha ha... or maybe he was just distracted by some other things he saw on the way and decided not to follow us to Bugis and explore on his own...

So we hang around Bugis village for awhile, going in to all the shops that sold clothes which is not a lot (initially, we thought so...) however, rain finally fell hard... so we decided to seek refuge in Long John's and have our dinner there as well... feeling all thirsty from our trip around TPY and Little India, the Super Large Drink we got was not as unmanageable as we thought it would be... after dinner, we continue to conquer all shops!! Ha ha... crossed over to Bugis Junction to browse around in the department store and the Edge...and finally, both of us bought a blouse each... and I thought the blouse I bought fitted well, but when I reached home to try it, it didn't fit as well as it looked on the mannequin, sighz regrets (but with help from my mum's magic fingers, I think it fitted better now ;))

Huey still could not find her pants that she needed badly after one round in bugis junction... in the end, we decided to go down to bugis village to search for clothes again... back to bugis village, we realized that we missed out a lot of the shops hidden within... it was like, WOW, another street to go in... and there'll be lotsa shops that we didn't cover before dinner, when we first explored the place... Surprising discovery, really:) then, there was even a shopping arcade upstairs among the shophouses... lotsa shops selling streetwears, and I keep seeing different versions of the wraparound Indie skirt that I've been eyeing since before exams... and the price ranges from $10 to 20!! Wow... but in the end, me didn't buy it, tho it was tempting...

guess who I bumped into upstairs at the shopping arcade? Liping and Ivy! 2 of my sec sch classmates... come to think of it, I really miss the friends studying in NTU now, like Mel and Meilin ;)ah well, will get a chance to meet up with u two soon rite? Once Mel's back from her trip... Can't wait...

conclusion: it was a fruitful shopping trip... huey got her pants in the end, was quite glad she like the blouse and pants she bought... can't say the same for me, but it was a fruitful trip nevertheless... the colourful sights and sounds around Singapore...

I think I shall end here, dun wanna talk about wat's bothering me and making me feel down today, seriously, I don't know wat's making me down either... sighz~


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