Monday, December 08, 2003

I finally caught the movie "Turn Left, Turn Right" on VCD just now. It was unexpectedly funnier and less romantic than I thought. well, with Edmund Chen and the other gal acting as Takeshi Kaneshiro's gf providing the comic relief, things do not turn up as simple as what I read in the comic I bought.The comic had a simple storyline, maybe a bit too simple for it to be featured as a movie, that's why they added some more characters for the story to be more SOLID. I was a bit disappointed that the show didn't turn out to be as fantastic as I thought it would be. Not as romantic and picturesque as the comic.

Or maybe the passion for the movie I had a couple of months ago died down? I guess I'm this type of person - the type who can be passionately pursuing something at one time but later switched interest. Which can be a bad point or a gd point depending on how u see it. I hate to evaluate myself over and over again everytime I blog, but as usual, u can see that whenever I blog, I am usually bogged down by some emotional matters.

I guess I should quit thinking about HS AKA Mr Smiles as my crush. I will never see his smiles again, I will never learn roller-blading from him. My self-confidence comes crushing down, cos I guess I will never be able to see him again. Yup, I should not blame him, cos he is busy with his project. But I guess I shall not think about him for now.

I dun remember since when do I start feeling this way - the need to keep someone on your mind so that you will not feel empty. I think this is bad. Not only I feel emptier( cos nothing is gonna turn out), I feel lonelier (cos of the self-induced pressure I put on myself). When can I learn not to keep making the same mistake over and over again? Or I will keep living this way forever? Here I am re-evaluating myself again when I said I won't.

On a lighter note, shall I describe how my chalet turned out? Those few days at chalet were exciting. No, I din do any exhilarating activities but yet, there were lotsa saucy stuff going round. One of which is that TY (my ex- JC class chairperson also in my ex- CCA now) has made his moves on this gal he's interested in, I'm rather happy for him. To quote Huey: "feels so much like marrying off our brother!" ha ha, indeed, we're both quite happy for him. He is indeed a very nice guy. I'm glad things are going on well for him :-) omigod, I feel so old talking like this, like I'm some old sis of his. Ha ha, well, all the best to u, TY!

One wk of the holidays have passed, time really flies. I hate the pace of time, I'm never gonna catch it till it's gone.


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