Thursday, December 04, 2003

call me a nerd, call me a fitness freak... i don't care!! ha ha...

recently been visiting the library and borrowing books to read... poetry, and jap drama chinese novel... i'm a hopeless romantic... the below poem is wat i got from this book called "101 Poems that could save your life"... well, some poems in there are really encouraging and inspirational... save a life? hmmm, maybe not but at least it's consoling to know that u do identify with wat some of the poems want to convey... and yes, u're not alone... so step out, and embrace the world with open arms!

Yesterday morning went jogging... i tot i'll most prob only run 3 rounds without stopping but i was quite surprised that i can last for 7 rounds without stopping!! ha ha... still like swimming more, tho jogging can be equally satisfying... however, today the jog is taking its toll on me... the aching thigh muscles and stiff back i suffered is agonising especially when i have to go into the driving circuit for my 1st time... it's so hard to control the car with 1st gear, u run the risk of the car stalling! yucks.. so i get a more tired out left leg today... my hopes of an evening jog is dashed... shall i go jogging or swimming tml morning?

lunch was japanese style... tofu and the sauce that huey recommended... me refrained from eating the chicken rice i bought, and it was gobbled down by my sis, which was a gd thing... ha ha... me found a scapegoat!! so i just ate tofu for lunch... been trying to control my diet, not eat so much... must get rid of the bulk that i think i gained from the exam period... so i've been enthusiastically working out, and dieting... but i simply can't resist good food... especially ice-creams and chocolates!! hee, yesterday ate at swensens... yum yum, "gold rush" was delicious! no wonder i simply needed a run today (but dun think i'm going anywhere)...

well, i guess lotsa ppl not in s'pore these few days... or at least going away for a short trip or some camp... in any case, me too, i'm going chalet tml! ha ha, so dun miss me too much! :)


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