Monday, December 15, 2003

~snail mail day~

it's the time of the year again... christmas...

this morning, a fren of mine msg me, asking me for a mailing address, so i guess i'm gonna receive a card from her... and i remembered that i shd do the same as well... start sending my x'mas cards... there are just some ppl whom i send a card every yr, no matter how long i haven't seen them, or maybe i really have nothing to say to them except for a "how are u? enjoy ur holidays, etc..."

so i spent this afternoon addressing 10 x'mas cards... lucky souls, ain't they? sighz, but i think there are half a dozen more of my closer frens' cards which i haven't written. maybe i keep thinking that i shall meet up with them b4 x'mas so there's no hurry to send them? hope i do meet up with u all, cos i want to hand the card to u all personally, together with some chocolates maybe?

other than sending and receiving x'mas cards, i dun think there's anythg else i look forward to for x'mas... sad but true. in fact i shall be glad that i'll even receive a x'mas card from anyone whom i didn't send one...(i dun think it'll happen)

today's driving was disastrous... i think i almost got into an accident. i was so scared aft that that i contemplated giving up driving on the spot. but i shall press on. i shall get my licence, no matter how hard it gets... u can't possibly depend on a chaffeur for life? ha ha...

been filling up my chinese blog with too much "crushy" stuff... i shall stop... or shall i just indulge in it till x'mas (the deadline i set for myself)? oh well... seems like i'm going nowhere again... but i guess this time round, the crush is to a smaller extent, i will get over it soon. i won't let it get me over! *bitter laugh*

i'm addicted to this "Big2 game" i have in my lappie. u know, the game u'll play everytime during chalets? i can't ply myself away from my lappie long enuf... even when my eyes get super tired, even when i get super hungry... today, i only managed to bear with it till i finished addressing the mails... how horribly addicted i am!!


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