Sunday, January 04, 2004


Call me a Mountain tortoise, call me childish, but i felt really excited when i heard (yeah, didn't see, too crowded :( ) the fire crackers... went Chinatown after dinner yesterday with a new-found friend -- Eric... ;) And i saw the fireworks from the top of People's Park Shopping Centre!! Woah!! Oops, i sound a bit too excited, ha ha... It was exciting!

Then walked to Clarke Quay to get away from the crowd after the fireworks... so we were there watching the Bungee Thingie they have there... well, it's kinda expensive loh, $30 for a 10 sec experience? but i can see that it's quite exhilirating...

Well, i guess yesterday, everything i did was impromptu... initially we thought of going for a movie, then decided to go catch the fire crackers instead? then we found ourselves at Clarke Quay... Then we decided to go DBL O... Oops... it's like my 2nd time clubbing within this week... yup, this is the 1st time i'm not going with Mel and Meilin... But had fun nevertheless... Music was great, tho lotsa recruits can be seen... Crowded on Sat nite :(

Got some Fortune Cookies from Carlsberg... Ate my 1st fortune cookie! it said: "Your Career will flourish with our economy." Well, wat if the economy doesn't flourish? Oops...

Yeah i know, i think i'm leading an unhealthy social life nowadays... going out too much, too late... well, sch's starting, i'll better enjoy myself before i start mugging all over again?

Thanx Eric, for the enjoyable nite... ;) u are such a gentleman!

sighz, somehow, last nite, i was reminded of Ken, miss him a bit... wished it was him clubbing by my side instead of Eric... Oops... nvm, Ken'll be back real soon... 3 more days...


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