Friday, January 02, 2004

~cheers to a new year, with Ribena Vodka!~

the 2nd day of 2004!! oops... i guess everyone must be wondering where i've been? it's quite unlike of me not to blog for so long esp when 1st of Jan is such an impt date!! ha ha.. HAppy New Year to all u ppl out there! hope it'll be a better year yeah?

yeap, i was away... feels so much like being away on holiday... reached home only last nite, slightly before midnite... soo tired that i slept after washing up, unpacking my stuff...

New year's Day was indeed a memorable one... lotsa "1st times"...

1st time counting down outside with my friends...
1st time clubbing till 330 am
1st time not needing to take a cab for supper after clubbing (Geylang Dao Huey is nice... *yum yum*)
1st time not needing to take cab back home (Thanx Law!)
1st time not going home after clubbing (Thanx MEilin!)
1st time sleepin at 7 am in the morning (excluding chalets)
1st time waking up at 1 pm in the afternoon... (still quite tired, yawnz)
1st time swimming with meilin and mel
1st time jumping into a 3 m deep pool, and still found it addictive... *ha ha* (shall go meilin's hse to do it more often)
1st time bbqing with only 2 other gals! (quite glad we managed to set up the fire without anyone's help)
1st time seeing all the food we bbq to turn soooo uniformly..... BLACK *ha ha* (shall show u all our photos soon)

thanx Mel and Meilin, for making the last day of 2003 and 1st day of 2004 so memorable for me... i think we had hell loads of fun eh? looking forward to more all-gals sleepover soon... rem LAdies Nite? ha ha...

felt so much like an escape from reality, nobody to bother me at home, nobody to "huant" me from the past... and made my 1st new fren for the year... *winks* ha ha... back to reality today... bidding for modules, sch's starting, i can feel the imminent homeworks... Argh...

New year resolutions? No more new year resolutions! i shall do wat i like, whenever i feel like it... wat's the big deal? (actually i've got loads of things i want to achieve this year, but shall not list it out... cos it's subject to changes :P)

Yawnz, shall take an afternoon nap ;) till i blog again...

cheers to a new year!


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