Saturday, January 10, 2004

~1st Sat Lecture in my close-to-3-yrs life in NUS~

Life is so pathetic... having to go to sch on Sat for Lectures... Sat is a weekend!! Weekends are for us to enjoy, chill out, not to study!! *complain complain* sighz... just realised i haven't complained much about school life for quite sometime... obviously... ha ha, cos it's only the 1st week of sch...

soon, soon i'll be spouting maths nonsense in my blogs, as i get immersed in all the 5 maths module i'm taking this semester... Argh... i am disturbed!

my next driving test date is on 11th May 4.30 pm... sighz, so close to peak hours, i hope it's not too bad... *pray pray* i regretted so much not passing on my 1st attempt! i could've driven to sch and back on the days when i have "late nite lecture"... sighz, wat's done, can't be undone... or wat's failed, can't be passed... ha ha...

i am in such a complaining mood today... can't accept the fact that i am in sch now... sighz... 40 min to my last lect of the day... i am so horribly bored... and hungry (dun feel like eating tho), and tired (woke up so early), and grumbling so much... i am such a nuisance to myself today...

hope my mood gets better later...

btw, me just scanned in a recent pic i drew... kinda like it... have it as my hp wallpaper... that's the only thing i can be proud of at the moment... :)


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