Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Contradictions, contradictions... i think there's lotsa contradictions in the previous blog... i guess i really do have a messed up mind... oh well, on a lighter note... i guess i haven't been composing lately, i mean composing any poems... so here's one :


Round and round and round i run
1 rounds, 2 rounds, 6 rounds, 7 rounds
Still i want to run
Away from you and you and you
i just want to be alone
a clear mind
without you and you and you

The sun is rising
The warm rays are scorching
Running in the sun
i can do so forever!
Away from you and you and you
just let me run forever...

oh gosh... i think i'm losing my poetry skills... i feel so lousy... the bottle-necked feeling!! ARGH...


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