Friday, January 09, 2004

~Hammies revenge!~

Woke up sweating at 4.10 am today... yup, had a nightmare... just realise that i haven't dreamt much nowadays, let alone nightmares... actually, not really a scary nightmare, i find it rather funny when i think back... but it actually feels quite real.

ok here goes...

there was my hamsters cage... 1 or 2 hamsters inside... suddenly, the grilles broke, and then there's a hole in the cage... then, i saw my mum grabbing 1 hamster and put it into the cage, then she goes on and on, helping me prevent the Hammies from escaping from the cage (Quite funny, cos my mum simply hates little animals, let alone hold the hamsters...) And i was also frantically trying to grab hold of the hamsters running around... Argh!! can't seem to hold them in... and there was this hammie in my hand, trying to run away, and i was grabbing it so tightly i think i pulled off some of its fur, and yet it escaped... i was like, OOPS, felt so guilty of tearing its fur... and then the frantic process of trying to get hold of the hamsters made me so nervous, i WOKE up sweating... Phew, luckily it's just a dream... but i was so scared that there'll be hamsters running around in my bed after that...

Maybe it's my retribution for causing my hamster's death... but why does it only come now? sighz... i must be a good pet owner to my remaining lonely hammie now...

Anyway, was quite happy i got to swim once and jog 3 times this week... Record ok? ha ha... i think i haven't tried exercising so much in 1 week... the feeling is great... felt so fit after that... yet i guess i still have "chubby" face? sighz~


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