Monday, January 12, 2004

~crazily obsessed with fitness~

I think i'm never so into fitness till this 2 wks... been for a jog this evening, tml morning going for a swim... wed might go for a jog again, thu go canoe... whew... maybe to keep fit enough for all the new yr goodies later? oops...

attempted to learn cycling, didn't succeed... i'll try again soon, hope i succeed one day... in the meantime, trying hard to focus on my new modules, yet didn't do anythg much today as well... where did all my time go? think i've been spending too much time perfecting my fitness level, still not perfect yet... haiz...

just read this from someone else's blog... quite true huh?

I am the person who sits next to you in class.
I am the person who is a bit overweight.
I am the person who is laughed at because I am short.
I am the person who is picked on because I like computers.
I am the person who talks with an accent.
I am the person who isn't great at gym.
I am the person who is always to blame.
I am the person who takes the bus home in fear.
I am the person who stumbles when I walk too fast.
But I am also the person who is brave enough to wake up
and do it again the next day.

Nigel Potts

nothing much to say today... cos i'm a bit pissed... luckily he can't call me... i dun wanna hear his voice... just wanna hear everyone else's except for his...


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