Saturday, January 17, 2004

~Had Fun...~

Do u all know that Parkview Square is such a cool place? exterior architectural design is so unique... inside is 100XX more impressive... too bad can't take photo in the inside, else i'll show all of u out there... Super impressive, intricate designs, and did i mention the wine storage system? so impressed that my mouth must be hanging down till the floor! the restaurant inside is so much like those olden theatres, where u have the balcony seats on top, and on the "stage", there's a grand piano... wow, if i were to dine in there one of these days, that means i'm super rich... yeah, get myself a rich bf and go there hor? ha ha...

outside, there are a few statues of famous guys, eg, Plato, Newton, Churchhill, Sun Yat-Sen, Chopin... water fountains, nice courtyard... took pic with nit and huey... felt so much like tourist today... really had fun... hanging out around little india... our fave "Rupini's" is super packed today... had to go to this other family-style beauty salon to thread our eyebrows, but it's not as gd as "Rupini's", rite huey? next time, it's "Rupini's" or never yeah? ha ha... really shd go there walk, walk around to see this part of s'pore u know, interestingly colourful, a whole out-of-this-country experience...

i really look nice with this eyebrow meh? haiz... not up to standard leh? so disappointing, next time will go "Rupini's"... tho my frens say nice nice...

after that, i rushed down to amk to meet up with some of my sec sch frens, just the 5 of us... a bit disappointed that i dun get to shop with nit and huey, until i reached there and we started crapping... wow, the reunion seems to bring back sec sch memories... wow, and i never thought i could crap sooo much... i mean, even though "Mr Liquid Paper", wat he calls himself (cos he caused a "liquid paper rain" in class... long story.. and my pinafore kena liquid paper, and i think that's how i rem him too... the other time i threatened to splash acid on him when he asked me did i rem the incident... haha) i think just now, everyone was laughing till cheeks go cramp, stomach grows ache... ha ha... it's funny how we actually rem all these things?

btw, i just received a Chinese New Yr card thru the mail... guess who sent it? i've been waiting for it since last wk, and it finally got thru... yup, HS said he'll most prob send a new yr card to me, not sending x'mas card.. and last sat he asked for my addy so i've been expecting it for days... anyway, it's still quite disappointing... i think i know it'll be disappointing, that's why i refused to open until i can't hide my curiosity... and yeah, he just wrote something like "happy Chinese New Yr, All the best, may u have a prosperous new yr and luck in the Monkey year..." in Chinese and that's all... DISAPPOINTMENT! nothing personal, nothing, zilch, nada! not even a word of "take care", not even a word of "how r u?" i am disappointed... but well, i think this is not too bad to dampen too much of my mood today...

another more pressing problem lies ahead... nothing to do with guys... but it's even more pressing, more difficult to untangle... wat's happening to u? may i know where we did wrong? may i know whether i did something wrong? i guess i'm not such a gd fren to u... i guess i demand too much of ur attn, too much of ur approval, too much of ur kindness, yet, i dun put in enuf into our frenship? is that it? or am i guessing it all wrongly? or issit something to do with wat i did recently, that i dun even know that offended u? gosh, i'm clueless... pls enlighten me... or issit just that u r too busy? i am too busy? or wat? pls... if u ever need someone, i'll always be here for u... i'm gonna call u one of these days... i'm not so sure u know i'm referring to u... but u'll know in due course... i'm so sorry i don't keep in contact with u, dun call u... i guess i shall dump all the guys i'm dating now and focus on our frenship... it's a new yr, and i dun want anything to change for the worse...


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