Sunday, August 20, 2006

~ K-fever ~

not that i'm suffering from K-fever, but recently quite obsessed with Kim Sam Soon.. maybe cos i can identify with her efforts to lose weight.. haha.. haiz.. trying hard to lose some more weight..

talking abt K dramas and movies, do u all know that some of the chinese songs are K-drama/ movie songs? i'll be listing some of them below, some of them may be of a surprise to u ;)

  1. the most famous movie song will be "My Sassy Girl's" song, I believe. Chinese song also under the same name, sung by Fan Yi Cheng.. Nice, touching, a touch of melancholy..
  2. the most famous drama song will be "Winter Sonata's" song, but i'm not so sure of the song title (both Korean and Chinese one), but i know the Chinese song is sung by Jeff Chang (yucks!). not a great fan of Jeff Chang, but i feel the song is quite nice, and reminds u of the love story between the male and female lead.. although Bae Yong Jun is not my type.. :P
  3. Most recently, the "My Lovely Sam Soon" song, called Inside my Heart is indeed quite touching.. the Korean version is quite boring, the Chinese version is sung by Fan Wei Qi under the same name as well. I personally feel that the Chinese version is better because there's a larger range of feelings expressed by Fan Fan.
  4. Do you all remember this movie called "Windstruck"? I think the male lead is Jang Hyuk (quite cute) and the "My Sassy Girl"'s female protoganist as the lead actress, feels the same as "My Sassy Girl", and the song is sang by Luo Zhi Xiang, called Hui1 Se4 Kong1 Jian1, quite nice, the Chinese Song, but abit boring after awhile, and i didn't really catch the Korean Song to compare..
  5. Next up is "The Classic", my dear's favourite movie.. by chance, while studying in the early wee hours of the morning, i heard the Chinese song on radio. because there's nobody on the radio to tell us the title and the singer of the song, we took some effort and finally found out that Fan Yi Cheng sang the chinese version of the song, named "Ai4 Tai4 Yao2 Yuan3". very catchy tune, but not very cheerful lyrics, as we can expect from the title itself..

the above are those that i can recall.. maybe u have other contributions?

i do know of some Chinese songs which are initially Korean songs translated to Chinese Songs:

  1. Xu Jie Er -- "Mei1 You3 Ni3 De4 Mei3 Yi4 Tian1"
  2. eVonne Hsu -- "Ai4 Qing2 Kang4 Ti3"

and i love the 2 songs above!! :) and the korean version mtv of the 1st song is very touching!!

any other contributions?


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